+44 (0) 151 909 2333

Substation Automation Unit


Discontinued Product

SATEC SA300 ezPAC - Substation Automation Unit

Satec SA300 ezPAC Series is a fusion of many Intelligent Electronic Devices combined into a single powerful unit.

SA300 unites advanced control and automation functions, fault-recorder, power quality and sequence of events (SOE) with automatic analysis and reports.

It also offers back-up protection equipment and control devices to provide a complete solution for substation and industrial automation.


  • Power Quality Analyzer
  • Distributed Fault Recorder
  • Sequence of Events (SoE)
  • Protection, Control & Alarm Functions
  • Revenue Grade Metering

Recommended Alternative

SATEC SA300 ezPAC is no longer available.

Please consider the PM180 All-in-One Power Quality Analyzer & Phasor Measurement Unit as a suitable alternative.